Monthly Archives: August 2019

Wod 20 Aug 19

This was a fun one! I choose the alternative, worked with 8k and 12k kettlebells and while it was a gasper towards the end, this EMOM really was a whole body work out if my doms the next were any measure!

Weald Allotments, Hove

All about Weald allotments

Lesley's Lymphoma Log

Under pressure from friends an account of my fight against lymphoma


Journey of Strength


Thoughts from a small woman trying to be tough in a big world


a sad attempt to be slightly less hopeless at cross fit


So you won't forget about me

Living With Gladys Full Time

Our life out in the open

Allotment Growing

Tips, hints and recipes for growing, storing and cooking your own food

~Cruising through my Life~

journey since 1989...

Elizabeth Merritt Abbott

Short posts by a midwestern, writer, reader, and occational crossfitter.